The upper section of Millcreek Canyon Road is slated to be closed for nearly two years in Phase 1 of this project. The purpose of the closure is to expand the road, create a bike lane, and add new parking lots.
Phase 2, which includes construction on the lower section of the canyon, will not require a complete road closure. Details on phase 2 are still in the planning phases, so check this page often as we will be posting updates as they come in.
Anticipated construction timeline (phase 1): Spring 2025 – Fall 2026
Here’s how construction will play out:
Trails Utah is working with the city and construction crews to create a connector trail at Elbow Fork. This would allow trail users to access all upper trails via the Upper Pipeline Trail throughout the year.
View our interactive map below for a visualization of the upcoming closures.
Salt Lake County, Millcreek, and the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest (UWCNF) are collaborating with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to enhance a 4.6-mile stretch of Mill Creek Canyon Road in Utah.
The purpose of the project is to improve user safety, access to recreational areas, and water quality, which has been impacted by erosion and poor drainage. The enhancements will be made by expanding the road up to 24 feet, creating a bike lane, and add new parking lots.
Visit the FHWA Millcreek Canyon Road project page if you would like to read more about the environmental assessment report, biological resources report, cultural resources, and “finding of no significant impact” evaluation.
“During the winter season, roughly between December 15 and March 15, upper Mill Creek Canyon Road would be open to winter recreation opportunities.
Outside of the winter recreation period, the road and adjacent recreation areas would be closed to the public during construction. Most trails connecting through Mill Creek Canyon would remain open year-round, including a crossing through the construction area at Elbow Fork (to be constructed by us, Trails Utah!!) | a decision is still being made as to whether Old Red Pine Road and Little Water trails will remain open).
The USFS will post signs along trails at major intersections and trailheads before construction and information will be available at the Mill Creek Canyon fee booth to inform the public of the planned and current trail detours and closures. The construction contractor will be responsible for preparing and implementing a traffic control plan with public noticing for vehicular traffic.” – SL County
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The Millcreek Canyon Road Closure has been in the planning phase for years now, with construction set to begin shortly.
Here’s an overview of the construction timeline until now.
To find out what this construction means for Dog Owners, Mountain Bikers, and everyone else who loves this canyon, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter as we will be sending updates as soon as we hear of them!